職稱 |
江源泉教授 |
主要學歷 |
美國麻州大學溝通障礙學系博士 |
主要經歷 |
馬偕醫學院全人教育中心教授 |
現職 |
國立新竹教育大學特教系教授 |
教學專長 |
聽力學、語音分析、溝通障礙、溝通訓練、語言學 |
期刊論文 |
- 英文
- Wu, C.-F., Chiang, Y.-C., & Chang, W.-W. (2011). Joint playout and FEC control for multi-stream voice over IP networks. Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers (Accepted).【SCI】
- Wu, C.-F., Chiang, Chang, W.-W., Chiang, Y.-C. (2011). Perceptual-based playout mechanisms for multi-stream voice over IP networks. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, V. E94-D, 1018-1025.【SCI】
- Lee, C.-L., Chang, W.-W., & Chiang, Y.-C. (2006). Spectral and prosodic transformations of Hearing-Impaired Mandarin Speech, Speech Communication, 48 , 207-219 .【SCI】
- Chiang, Y.-C. (2004). Improving listening environment in Taiwanese schools . Speech & Hearing Review, 5 , 98-111.
- Chiang, Y.-C. & Freyman, R.L.(1998). The influence of broadband noise on the precedence effect, Journal of Acoustical Society of America , 104, 3039-3047.【SCI】
- Freyman, R.L., Zurek, P., Balakrishnan, U.& Chiang, Y.-C. (1997). Onset dominance in lateralization. Journal of Acoustical Society of America , 101 , 1649-1659.【SCI】
- Baladrishnan, U., Freyman, R.. L., Chiang, Y.-C., Nerbonne, G. P., & Shea, K. (1996). Consonant recognition for spectrally-degraded speech as a function of consonant-vowel intensity ratio, Journal of Acoustical Society of America , 99 , 3758-3769.【SCI】
- 中文
- 江源泉(2006):從聽障的口語復健目標看助聽器材的「不能」。特教論壇,創刊號, 1-11。
- 江源泉(2006):電腦視覺回饋在國中聽障生學習國字聲調書寫上的應用。特殊教育研究
- 江源泉、楊淑惠、姚甸京(2004):聲場調頻系統與國內教室聽環境的改善。特殊教育研
究學刊,27 期,93-112。【TSSCI】 |
專書 |
- 江源泉( 2006 ): 聽障學童語音學習的新方向 。台北:心理出版社。
- 江源泉( 2000 ): 從聽到說 。新竹:國立新竹師範學院特殊教育中心。
學位論文 |
- Chiang, Yuan-Chuan. The Effect of Noise on the Precedence Effect, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 1995.